Adult ADHD Assessment Information

This information is designed to give you further details about the process of adult ADHD assessment with Oxford Clinical Psychology (OCP).

The process is designed in line with NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guidance and the UKAANS adult ADHD assessment training.


The team

The main people involved in the assessment process will be:

  • Dr Nicola Wise – Clinical Psychologist, UKAANS trained for the diagnosis of ADHD in adults.
  • Tamsin Greene Barker – Assistant Psychologist
  • Julie Heaton-Caffin – Practice administrator


Assessment Process

The assessment process is a robust one designed to thoroughly assess symptoms against the diagnostic criteria for ADHD.

  1. Initial contact with OCP to request an ADHD assessment
  2. Screening interview (30 minutes) and questionnaires sent and returned. If this screening suggests a full assessment would be indicated we move on to:
  3. Structured diagnostic interview, known as the DIVA, with Dr Nicola Wise (this can be in person or online and may take up to 2 hours)
  4. QB-Check: an online assessment of attentiveness and other key ADHD symptoms. This can be carried out online or during an in person diagnostic interview.
  5. Informant interview with Dr Nicola Wise or Tamsin Greene Barker – this will be an interview with someone who can provide information about childhood strengths and difficulties e.g. parent or sibling
  6. Initial feedback meeting online with Dr Nicola Wise (30 mins)
  7. Written report outlining strengths and challenges and the outcome of the assessment. We will include recommendations for employers and education settings, and referral on to a prescribing service if requested.



The cost of the initial screening interview and assessment of questionnaires is £200. We include this screening separately as we feel it is only fair to proceed with the full assessment should screening indicate it is warranted.
The full cost of assessment, including the written report (stage 3-7 above) is £1000. This is payable in full before the diagnostic interview.



Many people seeking assessment for ADHD are interested in exploring medication. If you meet the criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD we are able to refer you to a partner prescriber who will accept our diagnosis and therefore not require further assessment. We can provide further information about this process and service along with discussion about the potential pros and cons of exploring medication.



We realise that an assessment for ADHD is a big commitment and you may have further questions about the process. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you need further information.